Overcome Overthinking Procrastination & Burnout

Are you tangled in postponing your dreams, second-guessing your decisions, overanalysing relationships or missing deadlines?
Say goodbye to overwhelm- transform your mindset.

Raluca Pricop taking a selfie on a snow-covered mountain peak during a sunny skiing adventure with the message 'Greet clarity, action, and verve.
Raluca Pricop sitting barefoot in a Buddha cross-legged position, wearing a sky-blue blouse and jeans, smiling warmly at the camera.

I’m Raluca & I’m here to guide mentally exhausted high-achievers reignite their sparkle and align their action with their purpose.

Tame your mind and maximise its power.

Because everything happens with a reason, you’ve just found yourself a partner to guide you in cracking the code on your mindset and rewriting your narrative.

My power lies in my holistic approach, the personalised support with focus on root causes, integration of mind-body-spirit, empowering your ability to foster long-term transformation and wellbeing.

After all, your journey is unique, and so is my approach. That’s why we’ll explore your aspirations, strengths and struggles through the lenses of your beliefs, values, and mindset, at your own pace.
In fact your mindset is crucial because it serves as the foundation for how you perceive, interpret and respond to the world around you.
Therefore, walking this path together means I’m going to be by your side, helping you tap into skills and strengths which may lay dormant. As a result, we’ll find ways and remove obstacles when your path seems blocked- all while enjoying the journey and uncovering the hidden gems in you.

Drained by postponing making decisive changes in your life?
Overwhelmed by constantly second-guessing your decisions?
Tired of being up at night spinning scenarios in your mind?
Annoyed by hesitating on important business decisions?
Worried about overcomplicating things to the point of missing deadlines or delaying projects?

Ready to align your actions with your purpose?
Gather your commitment, determination and discipline and let’s have a complementary conversation.

How about taking a deep dive into your cognitive patterns?


Discover your mindset type.

Uncover the Hidden Patterns Shaping Your Life

Your mindset is the invisible force steering your life.

The way you think impacts everything- from your career success to your personal happiness, and even your health.


Curious about your cognitive pattern?


Are you stuck in analysis paralysis, or do you charge ahead with confidence?


How do your thoughts influence your decisions, your health, and your life?

This quiz will provide you with personalized insights and practical steps to align your thoughts with your goals.
Raluca Pricop sitting barefoot in a Buddha cross-legged position, wearing a sky-blue blouse and jeans, smiling warmly at the camera.